So I told you that you could build this business and rock this gig in ONE HOUR a DAY! And it’s true! It’s called your POWER HOUR.
Your Power Hour will evolve as you grow as a coach. But right now you need to focus on exposing your new life, sharing your story, being authentic, reconnecting with old and new friends, advertising and inviting to Challenge groups, and of course, doing your personal development.
As you run your own groups and build your own team, that Power Hour will change. But for now, we are going to focus on the basics!
It’s CRITICAL that your actions match your intentions. You don’t want to be wasting time, since we all know it is extremely limited.
So your Power Hour can be completed all at one time or can be broken up into segments throughout the day→ whatever works for you.
If you didn’t print and save yesterday’s checklist, do it now!
I want you to use this consistently. This is a way to track your behaviors to ENSURE you are completing the vital behaviors that will turn you into a SIX FIGURE earner in a YEAR. If you don’t follow those 3 vital behaviors, you can kiss that wish goodbye.
So what does this Power Hour consist of right NOW?
1. Personal Development (reading or listening for 10-15 minutes)
a. Optional: Make SM post about what you learned/was inspired by
2. Check Coach Online Office (10 minutes)
a. Ensure orders are placed properly
b. Check for new leads (Emerald Coaches and above)
a. Ensure orders are placed properly
b. Check for new leads (Emerald Coaches and above)
3. Social Media (35-40 minutes)
a. Adding 2-5 new friends each day
b. Checking into your groups (this one included)
c. Doing your daily deposits (explained below)*
d. Responding to your Facebook messages (or sending new messages)
e. Posting 2-5 times per day
f. Creating images/copy to advertise upcoming groups (as needed)
Soooo what are these daily deposits?
As a NEW COACH the term INVITE, INVITE, INVITE can be extremely intimidating and feel OVERWHELMING!
Our team’s culture is not about being the annoying friend who is always pitching something, it’s about ADDING VALUE to other’s lives! It’s about sharing with integrity. We are not salespeople. We are role models and leaders, we are helping people get pointed in the right direction and spread the solution to others of something we KNOW works!
As I mentioned yesterday, it is important to take the time every single day to RE-ENGAGE with 3-5 friends and make DEPOSITS in their life!
Many people in the past have confused the terms “ make deposits” & “re-engage” with *ASK THIS PERSON TO JOIN YOUR CHALLENGE GROUP OR COME BE A COACH ON MY TEAM!* — That is NOT what I am talking about here! I basically want you to like and comment on friends' posts.
Just make it your goal to make FIVE DEPOSITS in the lives of individuals you are currently connected to (either via the internet, through text, a phone call or in person), and I hope that you can turn it into a DAILY habit that is just as FULFILLING for you, as it is for me!
1. Complete your FIRST Power Hour as best you can!
2. Post DONE in the comments of today's FB post and share some of the tasks you completed. (Remember: this Power Hour can be broken up over the course of the day!)
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