Welcome new coaches to the FitTribe and FitFam Self-Directed Training Center. We are so excited that you are here because it means that you've taken the first steps toward living your dream life and living a life by design! We are so passionate about helping others to acheive their goals and that is what this training is all about. Watch this WELCOME video to give you an idea of what this training is for, what you can expect to learn, and what we expect from YOU!
Friday, January 1, 2016
Day 1 - Creating A Social Media Presence
1. Go to your profile.
2. Click Timeline settings
3. Click Privacy
----Quality Profile
Profile Pic No-nos
1. Girl’s Night Out: No pics of you with a cigarette and
beer in hand!
3. Dark/blurry pics
4. A picture of your kids or pet or anything or anyone who
isn’t YOU.
STEP 3 -->> Your Banner Photo!
Same rules apply! You can easily make a collage of your interests (THIS is where family, pets, and friends can come in). Check out my banner photo!
The easiest way to do this is go to:
1. Picmonkey >> Design >> Facebook Cover.
2. Add photos through the Butterfly icon on the left.
3. Butterfly>> My Own (at the top)>> Select your photos>> Drag the corners to resize.
Here are some Picmonkey tutorials:
How To Erase The Background On Your Picture
PicMonkey Tips
1. Change your privacy settings.
2. Change your profile picture.
3. Change your banner cover.
4. Post “DONE” in the comments of today's FB post when finished!
Please let me know if you need help! This might take you more than one day, and that is ok, as long as it is finished by Thursday!
Day 2 - Your Guide To Social Media
PART 1: Identifying Your Passions
It’s time to introduce your NEW LIFESTYLE in a way that is anything BUT SALESY! I want it to be a way that is INSPIRING and provides VALUE to the lives of others!
One of the BIGGEST mistakes you can make is having ALL of your posts focus on ONE THING --- SELLING, INVITING TO CHALLENGE GROUPS, and TALKING ABOUT BEACHBODY! #YUCK! No one is inspired by posts intended to fatten YOUR bank account! Plus, how do you like seeing things like that in your news feed? I know I don't!
You have to become someone who ADDS VALUE and INSPIRES... now you're thinking but HOW?!?!
I would like for you to take out a sheet of paper and think about these questions:
1. What are 5 topics you are MOST passionate about? (These are things you naturally want to post about… they are the things you love to research or spend your time doing!) - Mine are: clean eating recipes, natural living, pugs, travel, and education.
2. What do you want people to know about you?! I personally want people to know that I am a life-long learner, pug lover, world traveler, and healthy lifestyle guru.
3. What are topics people ask for YOUR advice on? Mine are: cooking, motivation, travel, and holistic remedies.
Once you answer those questions, narrow them down to FIVE main areas your posts will be focused on! You will rotate between these 5 regularly.
Mine are: nutrition/cooking, natural living, fitness, travel, and education (okay one more: pugs!)
STEP 2: Check out your Facebook now and pretend you know nothing about yourself... WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW by simply looking at the last 5 posts?
PART 2: How To NOT Make Your Facebook Friends Hate You
Now I want to talk FACEBOOK POSTS --- and the difference between posts that are annoying and posts that actually draw people in.
Nowadays it seems everyone is selling something. Oils, wraps, mascara, jewelry, magic cleanses, etc. So how do you share without getting lost in the noise? It’s all about AUTHENTICITY!
Here are some Do’s and Don’ts:
DON’T: POST A SALE FROM BEACHBODY with corporate photos.
DO: SHOW your OWN results from the program that happens to be on sale and your personal experience and feelings from doing it.
DON’T: POST a list of all the stuff that comes with 21 Day Fix.
DO: SHOW people actual examples of what they are going to get to eat using those containers! Make a meal with the containers, include yourself in the pictures ←- people are following your FB page to see YOU after all, aren’t they?
DON’T: POST about apprenticeships (sharing FACTS about the discount, compensation plan info, etc.)
DO: SHARE a personal story, success from your group/team, or how your life has changed.
It's important that your posts have an image that STOPS someone in their tracks (remember, many people are on their phone scrolling and they are not going to read a post that is more than a few paragraphs). Make it engaging and give a CALL TO ACTION ←- give them some way to respond. Ask them to like it, share it, message you, ask a question for them to answer. Make it interactive so people don’t skip right over it and do your BEST to make most posts ADD value to others lives!
CREATIVE POST INSPIRATION: A lot of times I will go on Pinterest to get ideas and then when I find something that INSPIRES me, I take that idea and make it my own --- putting myself in the pic with a quote over-top for instance.
You MUST be strategic with when you post so people SEE your content and images!
When do YOU check Facebook?
- When you first wake up?
- When you get to work?
- When you eat lunch?
- After work?
- In the evening on the couch?
- At night before going to sleep?
These are times you want to HIT your niche market.
You do NOT want to post at 11 PM on a Friday night! No one is looking for fitness motivation then!
For working peeps, the above times are best. Facebook gets a lot of traffic between 6-9 PM. But I’ve found that late-night posts (after 8 PM) don’t do as well. Mornings are also great because you have ALL day to get exposure.
Also think about people’s needs and who you want to target:
- Monday Motivation (when everyone is feeling bloated and gross from the weekend)
- Transformation Tuesday (a great time to share your transformation)
- Wellness Wednesday (a healthy tip or recipe you’ve learned)
- Throwback Thursday (a picture of you in an outfit you are dying to get back into)
- Fit Tip Friday or Flex Friday (show off those muscles)
- Sunday is a great day to post about faith, gratitude, etc.
1. In the comments of today's FB post, share the FIVE main areas YOUR posts will be focused on.
2. Share what you discovered by doing STEP #2 and investigating your Facebook!
3. Post 1-2 times on FB on 1-2 different topics that are important to you (refer to #1) making sure that each has an eye-catching image, adds value, and has a call to action. {If you are pressed for time today, 1 post is okay. But remember the ultimate goal is posting 2-5 times per day in order to be successful.}
Also, this is a great way to learn and grow from each other! Be sure to check out one another’s – Iron SHARPENS Iron!
Day 3 - The 3 Vital Behaviors
I am so excited to share ALL of the “SECRETS” to success with each of you, but what you will SOON find out is that the TRUE “secret sauce” ain’t so secret… rather, it’s just UNDER-VALUED and over-looked!
WHY?! Because it's ALL SO EASY to do... but, then again, it's also easy NOT to do! The results will {ONLY} show up with CONSISTENT efforts and behaviors, and most people stop actively doing these small things BEFORE they see the fruits of their labor!
What are these EASY tasks?
Beachbody's 3 VITAL BEHAVIORS:
These three VERY SIMPLE activities, when done CONSISTENTLY, can take you from brand new coach to a SIX FIGURE earner IN A YEAR if you
want them to!
want them to!
Complete your workouts and drink your Shakeo EVERY DAY! You WILL see results and WILL be PROOF that they work. People will notice, ask you what you’re doing, and you’ll be in a position to GUSH over how quick and effective the 21 Day Fix is, how delicious Shakeo is, how much more energy you have, how great you feel, etc.

You can’t lead others if you aren’t in a good place yourself. Personal development isn’t just for “broken” people. CEOs read 4x more than their employees, mostly personal development books. Guess what? You are now a CEO of your own Beachbody biz. So it’s time to start learning!
But sometimes we just don’t have time to sit down and read. So take advantage of audio books, podcasts, etc. Pair mindless activities (cleaning, showering, driving) with mindful ones (listening to personal development). Check out this Google Doc filled with FREE audio PD.
You MUST listen or read PD for 10-15 minutes per day. It’s a vital behavior, after all. I NEVER listen to music in the car. I only listen to Podcasts or audio books. So squeeze it in whenever you can!
This includes posting invites to upcoming Challenge Groups and privately messaging people to join you. Don’t fret! You don’t need to start messaging people out of the blue asking them to workout with you. Instead, I am going to teach you how to post invites (using the Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook method) and follow up with prospects this week. For now, “inviting” means sharing your story, sharing your progress, sharing your love for the products→ this will lead to inviting!
And eventually, you will invite people to join your team (but baby steps, don’t worry about that just yet!).
This also means building relationships and reconnecting with old and new friends. Remember, this is attraction marketing…people will be attracted to YOU. It’s typically not a good idea to message someone out of the blue and ask them to workout (it’s kinda like telling them the need to lose some weight, right?!). But if you reconnect and start talking about a mutual interest, your kids, a fun memory, etc., Beachbody will naturally come up! They will ask you what you’re doing and this is your IN. So you NEED to start reconnecting and building relationships ASAP.
This also means building relationships and reconnecting with old and new friends. Remember, this is attraction marketing…people will be attracted to YOU. It’s typically not a good idea to message someone out of the blue and ask them to workout (it’s kinda like telling them the need to lose some weight, right?!). But if you reconnect and start talking about a mutual interest, your kids, a fun memory, etc., Beachbody will naturally come up! They will ask you what you’re doing and this is your IN. So you NEED to start reconnecting and building relationships ASAP.
1. Save and print this checklist! I want you to start checking off your workouts, Shakeo, SM posts, and PD. We will cover the other items later this week.
2. Check out this compilation of FREE personal development and decide what you will read or listen to first. (I recommend starting with the Craig Holiday Series---AMAZING---and what I started with. It will really get you excited about this opportunity! Listen to it in the car, while cleaning, etc.) Post your choice below.
3. Since everyone has not received their DVDs or Shakeo yet, we are going to focus on the 3rd Vital Behavior.
So RE-ENGAGE with THREE friends. (This doesn't have to do with ANYTHING Beachbody! GIVE what you like to receive! Who doesn't like it when people post comments on their posts and pictures and ask about their lives?! Simply make an effort to leave meaningful comments on their FB wall/pictures or message them to catch up!)
Day 4 - Power Hour
So I told you that you could build this business and rock this gig in ONE HOUR a DAY! And it’s true! It’s called your POWER HOUR.
Your Power Hour will evolve as you grow as a coach. But right now you need to focus on exposing your new life, sharing your story, being authentic, reconnecting with old and new friends, advertising and inviting to Challenge groups, and of course, doing your personal development.
As you run your own groups and build your own team, that Power Hour will change. But for now, we are going to focus on the basics!
It’s CRITICAL that your actions match your intentions. You don’t want to be wasting time, since we all know it is extremely limited.
So your Power Hour can be completed all at one time or can be broken up into segments throughout the day→ whatever works for you.
If you didn’t print and save yesterday’s checklist, do it now!
I want you to use this consistently. This is a way to track your behaviors to ENSURE you are completing the vital behaviors that will turn you into a SIX FIGURE earner in a YEAR. If you don’t follow those 3 vital behaviors, you can kiss that wish goodbye.
So what does this Power Hour consist of right NOW?
1. Personal Development (reading or listening for 10-15 minutes)
a. Optional: Make SM post about what you learned/was inspired by
2. Check Coach Online Office (10 minutes)
a. Ensure orders are placed properly
b. Check for new leads (Emerald Coaches and above)
a. Ensure orders are placed properly
b. Check for new leads (Emerald Coaches and above)
3. Social Media (35-40 minutes)
a. Adding 2-5 new friends each day
b. Checking into your groups (this one included)
c. Doing your daily deposits (explained below)*
d. Responding to your Facebook messages (or sending new messages)
e. Posting 2-5 times per day
f. Creating images/copy to advertise upcoming groups (as needed)
Soooo what are these daily deposits?
As a NEW COACH the term INVITE, INVITE, INVITE can be extremely intimidating and feel OVERWHELMING!
Our team’s culture is not about being the annoying friend who is always pitching something, it’s about ADDING VALUE to other’s lives! It’s about sharing with integrity. We are not salespeople. We are role models and leaders, we are helping people get pointed in the right direction and spread the solution to others of something we KNOW works!
As I mentioned yesterday, it is important to take the time every single day to RE-ENGAGE with 3-5 friends and make DEPOSITS in their life!
Many people in the past have confused the terms “ make deposits” & “re-engage” with *ASK THIS PERSON TO JOIN YOUR CHALLENGE GROUP OR COME BE A COACH ON MY TEAM!* — That is NOT what I am talking about here! I basically want you to like and comment on friends' posts.
Just make it your goal to make FIVE DEPOSITS in the lives of individuals you are currently connected to (either via the internet, through text, a phone call or in person), and I hope that you can turn it into a DAILY habit that is just as FULFILLING for you, as it is for me!
1. Complete your FIRST Power Hour as best you can!
2. Post DONE in the comments of today's FB post and share some of the tasks you completed. (Remember: this Power Hour can be broken up over the course of the day!)
Whether or not you realize it, SOCIAL MEDIA is a HUGE blessing in our business. Lindsay Matway (the founder of the Bombshell Dynasty—the larger team we are a part of) built a solid 7-figure business through FB ALONE! But taking pictures of her Shakeology bag and the TV screen of her workout didn't get her there!
You CANNOT come off as generic. People want to see YOUR personality, YOUR life, YOUR triumphs, YOUR struggles, YOUR fun, YOUR fitness, YOUR family, YOUR food, YOUR recipes. How awesome is that?!
People buy into YOU... LOOOONNNGGG before your product.
And I learned long ago, people like ME because I'm me, not me trying to be someone else.
It’s so easy to get ’sucked in’ to social media and only want to put your best foot forward, and don’t get me wrong, leading a life and sharing a life that inspires others is AWESOME and what we are all aiming to do; but the reality is sunshine and butterflies ALL THE TIME isn’t REAL LIFE.
Remember, perfect is nice to look at, but it’s hardly relatable, and you want people to relate to you... to see something in YOU that they connect with (struggles, mess, and all!).
Get fun, creative, silly, funny, deep. Make your FB your REALITY SHOW. Your DRAMA-FREE reality show!!!!! (No one likes complainers and whiners.)
Anytime I am crafting a post or image, I think about a SCROLL-STOPPER. What kind of picture is going to CATCH the EYE of my niche market (or ANYONE for that matter) and have them stop mid-scroll to check it out? Fun, colorful pics seem to do the job!
*Note: I don't always make sure I look perfect. I show messy hair and an un-make-upped face. I show my husband scowling during our workouts. And people LOVE that. But I make sure the picture is clear and eye-catching, and adds value in some way whether it be a tip, a witty comment, or business, family, fitness inspiration. MAKE PEOPLE FEEL SOMETHING!
So make a vow and PROMISE me RIGHT NOW... NO salesy, gimmicky posts. If you are talking
about a product, show a picture of YOU using it (i.e. drinking Shakeology or working out→ people love
seeing workout moves).
If you are advertising a challenge group, show a transformation pic. One of you would be awesome,
one of a current challenger or fellow coach would be great too… strangers are a last option.
about a product, show a picture of YOU using it (i.e. drinking Shakeology or working out→ people love
seeing workout moves).
If you are advertising a challenge group, show a transformation pic. One of you would be awesome,
one of a current challenger or fellow coach would be great too… strangers are a last option.
To build a business on social media takes work. A little skill and dedication, a lot of patience, but mainly
YOU being authentic and your awesome self!
YOU being authentic and your awesome self!
Oh and I want to add a 4th Vital Behavior: Selfies! Coaches who post selfies attract more challengers
than those who don’t. Again, people want to see YOU. So get comfortable with being uncomfortable
and snap away!
than those who don’t. Again, people want to see YOU. So get comfortable with being uncomfortable
and snap away!
Today, I want you to craft a picture to post on Facebook. Remember your 5 passions from day 2?
Choose one of those.
Choose one of those.
Remember, adding TEXT to a photo is a GREAT way to catch an eye (look at today’s examples).
On a smart phone: Photo Editor, Instants, Pic Collage, Word Swag, etc., but also remember sometimes
less is MORE!
On a smart phone: Photo Editor, Instants, Pic Collage, Word Swag, etc., but also remember sometimes
less is MORE!
Show your personality and just have fun!!!! You can do it.
Post it in the comments of today's FB post if you want feedback. If not, post it to your page and
comment DONE in the comments of today's FB post. Can’t wait to check them out!
Day 6 - Consistency --> #1 Factor To Success
Alright ladies, it’s time to LEAVE your FEARS BEHIND! The number one thing that holds coaches is BACK is WORRYING about what OTHERS THINK!
“I don’t want to annoy my Facebook friends.”
“I don’t want to post too many times.”
“I don’t want to post about Shakeology.”
“I don’t want anyone to defriend me.”
These make me GAG. WHO CARES if you lose a few FB friends?! If they are TRUE friends, they will support you. If they are annoyed by your posting, good riddance! You don’t need them as friends.
I was guilty of ALL these excuses and fears when I started. But after I started my first group and got my first paycheck, I had a huge AH-HA moment! I stopped caring what everyone thought of me and my posts.
I was HELPING people and I was benefiting from it TOO!
CONSISTENCY over time is the #1 factor for success in this business! The elite coaches who you hear about that are pulling in crazy money are there because they have been doing it every single day for the last few years (to put it into perspective, some of these coaches are making millions in 3-4 years!). Guess what?!! You can do it too! I know you can and we can all go to the top together! Who is ready for the ride?!
Here's a message from a 2-star diamond coach from one of the Bombshell Dynasty master training groups:
"I had almost nothing happen for the first 3 months. And went Diamond on day 96 with crazy activity in 5 days. People hang back and wait to see if YOU will stick with it. No one wants to be first or get involved with someone that flakes out. And if you quit after just a few months, all you do is prove them right in not having joined you. Set up realistic expectations... 6 months of consistency to start seeing some real returns and credibility with friends and family and a year to become known as "the coach" and see some pretty decent money... and it is EXPONENTIAL after you keep consistent for a year... Total commitment to the fitness and beachbody lifestyle and personal development will attract people from far and wide that you could never imagine would find you."
This is not to say that nothing will happen for the first 6 months either. My first months were very steady and surprisingly lucrative! Yes, I’ve had moments where I questioned all the effort I’d been putting in, but I never stopped working, and because I didn't, I have people who trust me because I proved to them that this isn't a fad for me. They are joining me because they see that it really works and they can count on me to be consistent for them - as a coach and leader!
You may have to sacrifice. You may have to shuffle some stuff around to make it work, but do not give up before 6 months! If no one is joining you, put MORE efforts into yourself! Be more committed with your workouts and share a photo of you doing them EVERY DAY! Pour yourself into your personal development. Sit and focus on positive thinking, see yourself as WHAT YOU WANT to be!!! And STOP worry about naysayers, doubters, and critics. You’ll be the one laughing at them in a year…when you can quit your job, pay off your debt, and live a life of freedom!
This is not to say that nothing will happen for the first 6 months either. My first months were very steady and surprisingly lucrative! Yes, I’ve had moments where I questioned all the effort I’d been putting in, but I never stopped working, and because I didn't, I have people who trust me because I proved to them that this isn't a fad for me. They are joining me because they see that it really works and they can count on me to be consistent for them - as a coach and leader!
You may have to sacrifice. You may have to shuffle some stuff around to make it work, but do not give up before 6 months! If no one is joining you, put MORE efforts into yourself! Be more committed with your workouts and share a photo of you doing them EVERY DAY! Pour yourself into your personal development. Sit and focus on positive thinking, see yourself as WHAT YOU WANT to be!!! And STOP worry about naysayers, doubters, and critics. You’ll be the one laughing at them in a year…when you can quit your job, pay off your debt, and live a life of freedom!
1. It’s been a crazy first week. So I want you to catch up on every assignment from this week. Now that you know what daily activities you should be completing, let’s aim for some CONSISTENCY starting today!
2. If you completed every assignment from this week, start planning posts for next week. I always write down 2-3 ideas for each day so I’m never at a loss for something to post/share.
Day 7 - Creating Your Challenge Group Invite Post
The foundation of this business is running online challenge groups. HAVE NO FEAR, I’m going to help you! (And remember, you don’t have to run your own group until you are ready!)
Posting about challenge groups is a learning experience, so I want you to tweak your approach and figure out what works for you, BUT I can tell you that leading by example and sharing from the heart are the BEST ways to advertise for your Challenge Groups.
People want to see someone they KNOW have success before they are ready to jump on board. You don't have to have this crazy transformation- it could be that you lost 5 lbs, are FINALLY able to do a pushup or make it through a whole workout, or maybe you JUST STARTED and did your first workout!
It could be physical results OR how working out makes you FEEL! Bottom line, SHARE YOUR STORY & SPEAK FROM THE HEART!
Posting about challenge groups is a learning experience, so I want you to tweak your approach and figure out what works for you, BUT I can tell you that leading by example and sharing from the heart are the BEST ways to advertise for your Challenge Groups.
People want to see someone they KNOW have success before they are ready to jump on board. You don't have to have this crazy transformation- it could be that you lost 5 lbs, are FINALLY able to do a pushup or make it through a whole workout, or maybe you JUST STARTED and did your first workout!
It could be physical results OR how working out makes you FEEL! Bottom line, SHARE YOUR STORY & SPEAK FROM THE HEART!
What makes a great CG post? Here are a few KEY ingredients:
1) It should reflect your personality, style, & goals- I write mine EXACTLY how I talk in “real life.”
2) Speak from the heart- the same STRUGGLES you have are exactly what people RELATE to!
3) Appeal to the person you’re trying to attract or would love to help! (My customer wants to work on her "problem areas"- tummy, thighs, and butt. It’s very doubtful a man trying to put on muscle will respond to that.)
4) It should be visually appealing! PicMonkey is your friend. CAUTION: Do not get salesy here! The best CG posts feature YOU - not some 21 Day Fix marketing image that Beachbody created!
5) Showcasing your own RESULTS is MOST effective, but if you are just starting your journey, NO WORRIES, you can use others - just no stock Beachbody transformation photos please!
6) Sense of URGENCY (Example: only 3 spots available & the group starts June 15th).
7) Have a Call to Action (If this interests you LIKE, COMMENT, MESSAGE ME.)
Have fun with this - the best thing about this business is you are constantly learning & evolving!
Sample Invite Pic:
Sample Invite Content:
Day 8 - Responding to Prospects (Conversations, Direct Links, & Objections)
A few things to keep in mind:
2. You WILL get objections! And I’ll show you how to deal with them today!
If your prospect is interested and wants to purchase a Challenge Pack, send them direct links! You always want them to create a free account first and make you their coach THEN purchase their Challenge Pack.
Lastly, objections! We ALL get them. And the most successful coaches are the ones who receive the most “NOs.”
Keep in mind: Hearing "no" is the number one reasons people give up on being a Coach. If you want to be successful at coaching you need to realize that people are not saying no to you, they are saying no to themselves.
It is NOT PERSONAL! You have to separate yourself from your responses people give you. Invite and don't worry if they say no. Usually a "No" just means "That's not right for me, RIGHT NOW."
If I can get you to remember one thing at all it is that you can't give up after a few no's. Actually, if you aren’t getting a lot of no’s, then you probably aren’t inviting enough people.
You'll be cutting yourself short from so many great things that lie ahead in coaching and your life if you give up, so just keep working on yourself and your own goals and keep inviting! The right people will come.
Please review this document on overcoming and responding to objections.
1. NEVER just send them the links to order! You want to talk with them first. See if they know about the program, ask them what their goals are, provide an overview of the program, etc.
2. You WILL get objections! And I’ll show you how to deal with them today!
STEP 1: Have the conversation with those who are interested.
- Please refer to this document to see how I explain the 21 Day Fix.
- Then review this conversation guide. Remember to tweak this for your personality. You never want to come off as fake or salesy.
STEP 2: If they are ready to order, send them your direct links.
If your prospect is interested and wants to purchase a Challenge Pack, send them direct links! You always want them to create a free account first and make you their coach THEN purchase their Challenge Pack.
- Refer to this document for finding your direct links.
- Here’s a sample of what I send to customers who are ready to order.
STEP 3: Responding to Objections.
Lastly, objections! We ALL get them. And the most successful coaches are the ones who receive the most “NOs.”
Keep in mind: Hearing "no" is the number one reasons people give up on being a Coach. If you want to be successful at coaching you need to realize that people are not saying no to you, they are saying no to themselves.
It is NOT PERSONAL! You have to separate yourself from your responses people give you. Invite and don't worry if they say no. Usually a "No" just means "That's not right for me, RIGHT NOW."
If I can get you to remember one thing at all it is that you can't give up after a few no's. Actually, if you aren’t getting a lot of no’s, then you probably aren’t inviting enough people.
You'll be cutting yourself short from so many great things that lie ahead in coaching and your life if you give up, so just keep working on yourself and your own goals and keep inviting! The right people will come.
Please review this document on overcoming and responding to objections.
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