Thursday, June 18, 2015

Lesson 10 - Contact List


I'm about to change your life by letting you in on a HUGE mistake I made when I started my business. Read on. 
Here is a crash course on a great and effective tool to manage your business and contact list: GOOGLE DRIVE!
Watch Kati Heifner's brief Google Drive Tutorial -->> 

Why Google drive? Watch the video to see the magic.
Your ACTION STEP --->> Create a CONTACT/FOLLOW UP Spreadsheet for your contacts and SHARE with your coach using Google Drive.
Why do you need a Follow Up List? Simply put... if you don't have a list... you don't have a business.
Consider this... Where does money come from? It comes from PEOPLE. 
If you don't have their name on a follow up list, you're going to miss opportunities. Sure, they might NOT be ready to dive in to a challenge group right now, and I KNOW some of you are thinking, "But Megan, I can totally remember all 5 people I've talked to"... Well, let me tell you something from experience... if you are inviting, making deposits, and forming new relationships daily/weekly like we should be, you will NEED a contact list! I WISH I had STARTED off better managing my contact list in one place from the get-go! I tried to manage it on pencil and paper for the 1st 6 months and I am STILL trying to get all of my contacts under control, SOOOOOO PLEASE 
. me when I say you want to set yourself up for success NOW! Treat your business like a business! Contacts are incredibly valuable. It's not just a name on a list. It is someone you can inspire. It's someone who statistically knows 2,000 people (hellloooo referrals!). It's someone who could potentially join your business and totally knock it out of the park! So add them to your list. 

{{Word of Caution}}
Don't build your list just to start advertising to them. You goal is to nurture relationships & continue adding value. Your list = your most valuable asset in your business. It is your network... the people you hope to do business with. Even if you have a small list... cultivate it, nurture it and respect it.
Do not lead with your agenda and spam people. You’ll see the results a little at a time. As your list, trust, and leadership gets bigger... the better the return and results. Keep in mind that once trust is broken, it is extremely difficult to earn back.

Who are you going to trust? The people who adds value & share their secrets to success or the person who has been trying to "sell" you from the start?

Build trust & add value. After awhile, people will want to hear your recommendations after you've earned their trust!

{{ACTION STEP}} Use Google Drive to create a FOLLOW UP spreadsheet for your contacts and SHARE with your coach!

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